401(k) Recordkeeper. Explore a Better Retirement Plan

The journey toward retirement is easier with an experienced team on your side. When you partner with LT Trust, A Division of American Trust, you’re gaining access to a low-cost, open-architecture 401(k) solution backed by a legacy of 50+ years in the financial services industry.


We Want the Same Thing That You Do:

A customized, low-fee, high value 401(k) plan that works as hard as you do, so a comfortable retirement is more attainable. You’ll get there with our open architecture 401(k) platform that allows you to pick best of breed funds without the constraint of any proprietary product requirements. That’s why we can say that we provide fair, transparent, and easy 401(k)s for all.


Let us Handle the Details

Focus on your business, and leave the heavy lifting to the 401(k) experts.


Do What You Love

Spend more time advising and less time on administrative tasks.


Log into Your Account

Do you currently have an account with us? You can login to view and make changes here.


Get Started with LT Trust, A Division of American Trust


Why LT Trust, A Division of American Trust?

We’ve been offering our 401(k) services for decades. They are truly our lifeblood.

At LT Trust, A Division of American Trust, we offer a top-of-the-line 401(k) product at an extremely competitive price. We can maintain this low cost by offering over 30,000 mutual funds and ETFs, staying on the cutting-edge of technology, and leveraging our team’s 18+ years average experience in the 401(k) field.

Our commitment to retirement plan services, fee transparency, technology, and superior client service are just a few of the reasons over 1,000+ plan sponsors chose us as their recordkeeper in 2019 alone.

Get the best of low-cost, open architecture 401(k)s with LT Trust, A Division of American Trust.

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